Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cassandra and Bertrands Paradox

No one likes naysayers and pessimists, so i’ll restrain myself today despite the fact, that it seems, as if the leader of the mightest nation on Earth, the top of the executive, is no longer controlled by a working separation of powers. It seems as if the maybe not elected president now can laugh about any bill in the country using “bill-signing statements”, bypassing Senate, when it is not obedient, insidiously authorizing the Secret Services to spy on their own neighbors, selling common people to Big Biz, bullying justice into submission, while always lying or letting lie and intriguing.

(Btw: thank you for the checklist for dictators, PowerOfGold)

Remember Bertrands Paradox?

Remember the importance of getting and knitting dots together?

The more you know about a system, the better you know, how that system will behave...
To be able to better foresee the future.

We know so much about the new version of a “rigorously enforced" democracy in America, where you only have to take the president and his underlings into account, with no other complicating factors like justice or decency beyond the ruling elite - as the French just couldn't get past the Roi de Soleil and had to care for nobody else. That's why such a democracy is called "simplified", clear chains of commands, no confusion, whom to serve. But we don’t want to know it. It’s too harmful, too annoying, too difficult and we all have our own problems, so be quiet, Cassandra, and let us dance around the Trojan Horse of TV, cheap holidays and Walmart.

Alas, looking for the links above i stumbled across an article by Ray McGovern: “Too Late” and so i can’t be silent without quoting him:

“The SS prison guards were required to extract a confession from prisoners before they were hanged or shot, but Haushofer refused. When they removed his body, though, a paper fell out of his pocket. It was his admission of guilt written in the form of a sonnet:


...schuldig bin ich
Anders als Ihr denkt.
Ich musste früher meine Pflicht erkennen;
Ich musste schärfer Unheil Unheil nennen;
Mein Urteil habe ich zu lang gelenkt...
Ich habe gewarnt,
Aber nicht genug, und klar;
Und heute weiß ich, was ich schuldig war.


I am guilty,
But not in the way you think.
I should have earlier recognized my duty;
I should have more sharply called evil evil;
I reined in my judgment too long.
I did warn,
But not enough, and clear;
And today I know what I was guilty of.”


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