Sunday, October 29, 2006

It's Happening

Yesterday i got a letter from my house insurance.

Because of the climate change they would also change – my contract. And if i wouldn’t agree (to something like their right to take whatever they want), they simply would cancel it.

It’s happening, kids.

And we, the people, have to pay the price – we, not the parasitic elites.

Remember Katrina? They have enough money to buy slaves and houses and planes and fuel to flee and live wherever life will still be possible.

At least – as long as it is possible.

They have enough money to become ...


I will speak unto them of the most contemptible thing:
that, however, is THE LAST MAN!

Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Lord, Who Has All Power In Heaven And On Earth

Listen, World:

U.S. National Space Policy

1. Background

Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power.

2. Principles

· The United States considers space capabilities -- including the ground and space segments and supporting links -- vital to its national interests. Consistent with this policy, the United States will: preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space; dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or developing capabilities intended to do so; take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities; respond to interference; and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interests;

· The United States will oppose the development of new legal regimes or other restrictions that seek to prohibit or limit U.S. access to or use of space.

3. United States Space Policy Goals

· Enable unhindered U.S. operations in and through space to defend our interests there;

· Enable a robust science and technology base supporting national security, homeland security, and civil space activities;

5. National Security Space Guidelines

United States national security is critically dependent upon space capabilities, and this dependence will grow.

· Support the President and the Vice President in the performance of Executive functions, and senior Executive Branch national security, homeland security, and foreign policy decisionmakers; other Federal officials, as appropriate; and the enduring constitutional government operations and infrastructure;

· Support and enable defense and intelligence requirements and operations during times of peace, crisis, and through all levels of conflict;

· Develop and deploy space capabilities that sustain U.S. advantage and support defense and intelligence transformation; and

· Employ appropriate planning, programming, and budgeting activities, organizational arrangements, and strategies that result in an operational force structure and optimized space capabilities that support the national and homeland security.

To achieve the goals of this policy, the Secretary of Defense shall:

· Maintain the capabilities to execute the space support, force enhancement, space control, and force application missions;

· Establish specific intelligence requirements that can be met by tactical, operational, or national-level intelligence gathering capabilities;

· Provide, as launch agent for both the defense and intelligence sectors, reliable, affordable, and timely space access for national security purposes;

· Provide space capabilities to support continuous, global strategic and tactical warning as well as multi-layered and integrated missile defenses;

· Develop capabilities, plans, and options to ensure freedom of action in space, and, if directed, deny such freedom of action to adversaries;

Listen, World and do not speak, as long as you are not asked to. Don’t rely on the people, because people of a nation infested by megalomania will never be bothered about that – there is only the glory of “Their Nation” and something else, which is at best usable and at worst to be destroyed.

It was the most difficult year of the war so far, one that subjected us to great moral and material tests. It gave us the task of holding that which we conquered in our glorious offensives of the earlier war years, which is the foundation of our final victory, and of defending it against the raging storm of our enemies with courage and without wavering. In large part we succeeded. We have had it is true to accept losses and setbacks, but they in no way are decisive for the outcome of the war, nor are their causes to be sought in any failure in our morale or material during this long war.

This party that grew out of struggle and stands today in the midst of it as well greets its [President] at the end of this and at the beginning of the next year. It greets him in the name of his people, whose honor and pride it is to lead. (On New Year's Eve)

World, get it finally: Be glad if you are of some use to the The Lord, Who Has All Power In Heaven And On Earth, so that you are allowed to be a member of the coalition of the “Allies” and “Friends”, because that means:

You may survive.

But don’t get confused by those words. Never ask for something without permission, because they are just nice words for you imbeciles and means nothing else than:


Sunday, October 15, 2006

By Their Deeds You Shall Know Them

Information is dynamical – information creates identifiable, repeatable processes, interacting as waves do it all the time, creating information processing systems dominated by their goals with sometimes amusing patterns of behavior:

Cultures of Corruption: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets* (Working Paper) by Ray Fisman and Edward Miguel

We find strong persistence in corruption norms: diplomats from high corruption countries (based on existing survey-based indices) have significantly more parking violations, and these differences persist over time...

We thus interpret diplomats’ behavior as reflecting their underlying propensity to break rules for private gain when enforcement is not a consideration.

(Emphasis mine)

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Military Commissions Act of 2006 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by Senate)[S.3930.ES]

Sec. 948a. Definitions

In this chapter:

(1) UNLAWFUL ENEMY COMBATANT- (A) The term `unlawful enemy combatant' means--

(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant (including a person who is part of the Taliban, al Qaeda, or associated forces); or

(ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense.



n 1: a human being; "there was too much for one person to do" [syn: individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul]

2: a person's body (usually including their clothing); "a weapon was hidden on his person"

3: a grammatical category of pronouns and verb forms; "stop talking about yourself in the third person"

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Survival of the Losers


In Neandertal, a small village near Bonn, Germany, bones were found, bones of a strong man. Fortunately, time was ripe for science to overcome ancient religious frameworks of ideas – Charles Darwin published his famous book “The Origin of Species” (1859).

At that time, Germany was “divided by Christ” – as America is today. While an unknown teacher (Johann Carl Fuhlrott) realized the true nature of the bones, the “powerful pundits”, the careerists of science defended the old-fashioned way of thinking. Looking at the “recipe for success” of careerists they couldn’t do much else – no one makes career out of swimming against the stream.

Theories like “Intelligent Design” prevented the German scientists from what the British were able to do – to see how Mother Nature works. Poor Johann Fuhlrott died before he was proven right – proven by Darwin, proven by the bones of Spy or Cova Negra or Salzgitter or La-Chapelle-Aux-Saints or Engis or Krapina or....

Past and gone.

Now, everyone with eyes – and a at least a rudimentary education in technology – can SEE how knee joints developed to enable the upright walk as you can see the development of cars or planes, everyone with eye can SEE now how the skulls grew to provide more room for brain. You just have to look at it.

But there is a second lesson to learn from Neandertal and Cro-Magnon: a hidden lesson for many people “thinking in the old-fashioned way” of our modern life.

You can see the work of a true artist: Information, holding the Scale of Fate, balancing time and space.

On the one side time prevails, on the other space dominates. Sometimes the scale tends to the left and sometimes to the right – and for both cases Nature provides a strategy to survive, active and passive information processing. For the stable environments passive processing, the easy, quick, body-based knowledge, “the way of the plants” is appropriate, which allows fast reactions, but slow learning, while in varying environments fast learning is much more important than a single fast reaction.

When climate jumps like a Yo-Yo, as it did since the last 3 million years, creating “cycles of glaciation with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000 and 100,000 year time scales. The last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago.” – it creates species and it eliminates species.

Since about that time many human species had come and go – often divided in two branches: strong and weak. The strong adapted physically to their environment, the “weak” mentally: passive and active.

In the end, all were dead – except for Homo Sapiens, the weakest of all. If humans work with chimpanzees, they have to be protected, because a chimp can easily break the bones of the strongest man when he just wants “to play”.

It’s said that the Neandertal people died out because of a new Ice Age – they died out at the time, Homo Sapiens created the first symbols of stone. They died out “despite” the fact, that they were stronger. Sometimes the scientists can’t tell you, if the bones they found were bones of a Neandertal woman or a strong Homo Sapiens man. They died out “despite” the fact, that their brains were bigger – but it seems they weren’t as efficient as the “weaker” brains of our species.

In evolution, it’s all about costs and gains, effectivity and efficiency – of information processing. There are times, when rituals, fixed, body-based knowledge is the better strategy and times, when it kills you.

The Neandertal people were intelligent and strong and flexible – they buried their dead and helped each other, they scratched lines in bones and (naturally) could speak. (Why naturally? Because apes don’t bury their dead.)

For a long time they even managed to live together with the Homo Sapiens, so they must have been able to learn from the new species – but in the end, when climate changed again...

the loser was the one who survived. The weak, feminine species inventing symbols and (my bet) storytelling to protect knowledge about medicine, plants and animals survived, not the strong hunter.

“If you think it's smart to be brainy there are two things you should know: a limited intellect is usually beneficial; and creativity is often the last resort for losers.” – Simon M. Reader

But limited intellect, passive information processing is not always beneficial – when times change, creativity is the only strategy to survive. When times change, rites and experience of the generations doesn’t work any more and individual learning and skills are the only strategy to survive.

Global Warming.

Wings of Change.

Sorting out the strong from the intelligent – the ones adapted for the presence and the ones adapted for the future...

the Strong and the Intelligent - and while the stable Space loves the Strong, the neverending Time is always on the side of the Intelligent.

And Time is stronger...